Turn Your New Supporters into New Donors

Guest Author: Daniel Esrig of Klaviyo.com

As a nonprofit leader, you have a lot on your plate. In addition to managing projects, talking to donors, and working to solve the world’s problems, you’re responsible for growing your donor base and revenue. There are a lot of hands-on approaches you can take to raise money, but there are also some pretty simple automated approaches that you can implement in less than an hour to help too. With these automated approaches, you can let the process run and supplement your other, hands-on fundraising. Think about it like this: you’re going to spend 30 minutes to an hour training an assistant who’s then going to work 24/7 to raise more money for your organization.

In this case, your assistant’s name is Klaviyo and it’s going to help turn your new supporters into new donors. You’re going to have to spend a few minutes training it on what to say and when to say it. You’ll have to check in with it every week or two to see how it’s doing and maybe adjust its strategy a little, but as you both learn more about your donors, you’ll become more efficient and raise more money.
So, how would you get started with Klaviyo to turn your supporters into donors?

This entire process will only take an hour:

  1. Sign up for a free Klaviyo account and integrate your Donate.ly account (It’s easy, and you can follow along with our integration instructions, or reach out to us for individual support at integrations@klaviyo.com).

  2. Integrate your current email service provider or add the Klaviyo embedded signup form or popup to your website template: Mailchimp, Constant Contact or Campaign Monitor.

  3. Open the Klaviyo Nonprofit Welcome Series under Flows — this will load into your account once you’ve completed the Donate.ly integration.

  4. Modify the Welcome Series Content. We’ve laid out some sample text in your pre-built Welcome Series to help you through the process.
    We also have a full ebook that talks about each email in the series and what type of content you should include.

  5. Once you finish the content, go ahead and turn it on. Now, whenever a new supporter is added to your list, that will trigger the Welcome Series and you’ll be on your way to nudging new supporters to make a donation.

Want Klaviyo to help you walk through this process?

No problem, we’re happy to help. We can help you get the Welcome Series going in less than an hour. Just shoot us an email at integrations@klaviyo.com or request a free consultation HERE we’ll jump right on it. We have special nonprofit pricing and special deals for Donate.ly customers so feel free to reach out.