January 2021 Updates
Donately's latest feature release for January 2021 includes more recurring donations and enhanced data & integration capabilities.

With the New Year comes new functionality from Donately! This update brings new features to recurring donations and donation data and enhancements for integrations and custom fields.
Recurring donations
In this update, we’ve added more recurring donation frequency options and the ability to set custom start and stop dates. Both of these features are available to our Team and Enterprise users.
- More recurring donation frequencies
Along with one-time and monthly donations, recurring plans can now be in frequencies ranging from daily to annual. These make for great options for running a wide variety of campaigns and giving your donors more power to control their giving!
- Custom recurring donation start and stop dates
Additionally, you now have flexibility on when plans both begin and end. With this update, you can now allow for flexible start and end dates or set a fixed date for either option. This powerful addition to our form builder gives your organization the flexibility needed to run any campaign.
Donation data
This release also includes enhancements to available donation data as well as improvements to our integrations suite. These features, except for webhooks, are available to all users on all plans.
- More donation details, including the form ID and the donation origin
Along with the data you're used to seeing with each donation, we've added visibility into the exact donation form and URL where the donation took place. These extra data pieces will help you optimize your fundraising by gauging which donation pages are the most successful!
- Updates to our Zapier integration & new donation webhook
Given the updates above, we've added data pieces to our Zapier integration, so you're able to send the data you need to other systems. With that, we also updated the data available from our new donation webhook utility from the dashboard, available to our Team and Enterprise users.
Custom fields
Finally, we’ve added some functionality to custom fields. This update includes making certain field types required as well as making the order of dropdown options easier. These updates are available to all users on all plans.
- Ability to make some custom fields required
We've added the ability to make text fields required, giving you reliable data from custom fields in certain situations.
- Easier reordering of options on custom dropdown fields
We've also added more flexibility in how you order the options on dropdown fields. Instead of manually deleting and re-adding options in the exact order you need, you can now easily shift around options to be in the exact order you'd like! This new functionality is available for standard dropdown fields as well as the Campaign Selector dropdown type!