Donately Updates | July 2020
Donately's latest updates improve their already best-in-class online donation form, making it more powerful and flexible than ever.

While our team has been social distancing, we've stayed busy updating our already best-in-class donation form! Check out the new features added & the updates we've made below:
New Donation Form Themes
The biggest and most noticeable update made in this round was 3 new or updated donation form themes! Along with modernizing our classic form style, we also added 2 brand new themes that will give your organization more options when picking the perfect form! Our new Modern and Monochromatic themes are perfect compliments to the Classic theme, ensuring that your donation form will fit right into any website!
If you'd like to read a bit more about the new Theme options, check out this guide.
Code-Free Style Editing
Along with new themes, we've also made it dead simple to adjust the styles of any form without entering a single line of CSS. You can now choose button colors and styles, adjust the font sizing, change the text colors, and more by pointing and clicking.
Of course, for the designers that are so inclined, you can still manually enter CSS to get the precision styling you've come to expect from Donately. But, for everyone else, the perfectly styled form is now just a few clicks away!
New Embedding Options
In our never-ending quest to create the simplest donation platform available, we've made updates to the options for embedding the donation form into your own website. While we still offer the script and iFrame versions, the new code will allow for remote updating of the donation form. This means you no longer have to re-embed your donation form each time you make updates! Simply publishing your edits will push all changes directly to wherever your donation form is embedded.
In addition to remotely editing, the codes themselves are much shorter, removing many of the variables that could possibly create problems on the various website builders. This will also make diagnosing issues much faster for our team, should they arise (we hope they don't!)
What's more, for our developer friends, we also now provide an advanced code version that you can use as a base to add customizations via HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. While we only recommend this for developers, taking advantage of this route can provide a custom donation form unlike anything available on the market today!
Post-Donation Customization
In addition to the style updates, you now have full control over what the donor sees after each donation. This includes the text that shows in-line and the message and URL that are pre-filled when the donor chooses to share via social media.
What's more, you can also redirect the donor to a new URL after each donation. This is especially useful if you have specific data tracking needs, or have more to say than can fit in the donation form frame!
If you'd like a full rundown on the post-donation options, check out this guide.
Improved Facebook Pixel Integration
Enhancing an already popular feature, we've now made it possible to track donations via your Facebook Pixel! This should help make better decisions as it comes to advertising on the social media platform, giving you insight into which ads or posts drove donations.
Pairing this Facebook Pixel integration with our existing Google Analytics integration will give your organization a suite of data tools to help optimize your fundraising and raise more dollars more efficiently!
New Custom Field Types
Complimenting the 7 existing custom field types, we've added two new ones: radio buttons & a Campaign selector.
Radio buttons give you the ability to add a cluster of single-choice radio buttons that display all options without forcing the donor to open a dropdown. These are perfect fields for times when you have 2-4 options.
The Campaign selector allows you to put a dropdown on your form where the donor can select the Campaign to which they'd like their donation to go. This is great for general donation forms, making giving to any of your Campaigns a one-stop-shop!
Updated Code Base
Finally, for all of our "techy" friends (AKA nerds like us! 🤓), this update was spearheaded by a complete refactoring of our donation form codebase by our incredible development team. Moving forward, this gives us the vital ability to not only add new features, but add new features much faster!
With that in mind, we're so excited at what's to come at Donately! Stay tuned over the rest of the summer, as we have a handful of additional updates and improvements just around the corner.